Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Feeling Down

Don't know why - don't know what for. Oscar was awake at 2am this morning - he had just lost his dummy so I put it back in for him, gave him a kiss and he went back to sleep - I went and checked on Jacob and then went back to bed. Not too long up but for me a disturbed night is a disturbed night, it almost doesn't matter how long I am up for - if I'm up I'm up. So today has not been a great day.

I went to get my hair done at the hairdressers which was really nice and I'm so pleased with it, but my ears had been playing up all morning - I'm tired and the weather is boiling so I wasn't feeling too great all morning really. I did Ok for breakfast and then discovered that on Slimming world, if I want Special K for breakfast I have to count a lunch time roll as a Syn and it's quite a bit one - 6.5. And if I have orange juice I also have to count that - so my healthy breakfast is not so good on Slimming world - so that might need some adjustment. Whilst at the hairdressers I was given a cup of tea with two custard creams, which I didn't eat - I was really pleased with myself because in the past I would just have wolfed them down without even thinking about it.

I got home and was starving so had a tuna roll, which was yummy. Then a friend came over for a quick visit and brought with her Crunchies. She put them straight in the fridge and then a little later she got them out of the fridge for us to eat. She is also on a diet and I really didn't feel like I could say no, so I ate it and after she left discovered that it was 10 syns - add that to the roll that I had already had and a squirt of mayonnaise that I had had and I fear I am way over my syns for the day. I am so disappointed because tomorrow is the weekend and James and I always go out for breakfast which is usually a Starbucks Almond Croissant and I love doing it I really don't want to stop, but that is 24.5 syns so I was hoping to save up some syns from today to put towards that - also we are going out to dinner tomorrow night at a friends house so that is not going to be very low fat I am sure. I think I will just have to let myself off for tomorrow. Just have my usual breakfast and be sensible for lunch and then eat the dinner I am given - I am not really charting yet I had planned to start next week, but I have lost 4 pounds already not really doing it properly and I really don't want to put those 4 pounds back on - those are the 4 pounds that I put on and take off with alarming regularity and I was determined to keep them off this time. I feel so much better when I am slimmer and I so want to get down to my target weight or at least get a stone off by the time I go away on holiday.

Next week is the real start of this diet if I can just keep those 4 pounds off over the weekend I will be happy - that will be a good place to start on Saturday. I am fighting the urge to eat whatever I like because I have already blown it for today - I just don't want to do it - that will make me feel even worse over the weekend. How can a Crunchie cause so much trouble ?!


None today


Breakfast - special K and half glass of Orange juice

Lunch - tuna, small spoon of Mayo and low fat yogurt mixed together in a wholemeal roll

Snack - CRUNCHIE and a 0% fat yougurt.

Dinner - planning cooked chicken with rice, cucumber and yoghurt with veggies. I have made a weight watcher chocolate mousse for pudding because after that Crunchie I feel I am going to crave sweets tonight and I wanted to have something not to dreadful at hand ! We'll see how it goes - Wednesday night is usually curry night - so not sure how the husband is going to take to tonight's proposal !

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