Saturday, May 16, 2009

Weekend Debacle

As predicted the weekend did not go too well !

On Thursday I had my Almond Croissant and then for lunch has cheese on toast and then we went out for dinner - which wasn't too bad, but there was definately chocolate involved !

On Friday - I don't really want to think about Friday - I ate very little of nutritional value - I think perhaps when I say two Malteser ice creams and Shwarma for dinner you might get the idea !

Jacob was really sick on Friday and spent most of the day at the Hospital with James. He had to have blood tests etc anyway turns out he has got a bacterial infection from something that he ate, so he is off school - hope he gets better soon, I hate to see him sick.

Anyway - today is the start of the new week and it has gone pretty well. I have actually started charting what I am eating and it really does help to keep a track of what you are putting in your mouth - it is so easy to just put food in your mouth and then forget about it.

So today

Exercise - half an hour on the running machine - I overdid it a bit and now I'm pooped, but I really enjoyed it at the time - I also did some sit ups to try and shift this blooming stomach fat.


Breakfast - banana and grapes with yogurt

Lunch - baked potato with coronation chicken.

Snack - small bar of chocolate and a banana

Dinner - planning a salad nicoise. I am very tired though, so I may need a little help on the motivation front to stick to the plan.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind comment on my blog :) You look like such an interesting person from your profile info. I thought of a blog you might like called Posie Gets Cozy. She makes the most amazing creations. I could only dream of having the creative talent she has. I hope the one in your family who was sick is feeling better.
