Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Going Down !

So things seem to be going pretty well I think. I feel good and focussed and hope it can last. I feel in the right head space, which is just great. I did have a little chocolate this morning, but I thought better that than have a big chocolate this afternoon when it has filled my head all day and I have been able to think of little else. Starbucks do a really lovely small chocolate bar with Crispy bits in so I just had one of those with a cup of tea and craving sorted.

Unfortunately I'm having a real time of it at the moment with the boys. Oscar is just starting to feel better now, which is fab, however I got a phone call from School today to ask me to pick Jacob up as he had a temperature of 39.1 degrees - grrr. So it was back to the Dr, third time in a week ! Jacob has got a sinus infection so two days of lying down and relaxing and no playing out in the sun. Ho hum ! He should get over it pretty quickly he is quite resiliant.

So today

Exercise -

Tennis - far too hot !

Eating -

Breakfast - special K and a half glass of orange juice

Snack - very small chocolate bar with crispy bits

Lunch - Cous cous with cucumber, tomato, onion and halloumi cheese.

Snack - fat free blueberry yogurt

Dinner - ham and mushroom omelette with baked beans.

I am going to join Slimming world in a minute and then start doing it properly - I have sort of been following the ideas of it, but I need to join to do it properly and if I'm going to loose real weight I need to do it properly.

So off I go to join - Exercise is going to be zero tomorrow as both boys are off school and I have a haircut booked - I shall just have to be careful about the eating I guess.

Update - I've joined Slimming world and printed out all their bits and pieces - I'm just about ready to start properly I just need to read through it all and understand everything, have a look at some of their recipes and do some planning and food shopping. Only problem with dieting, it does seem to be quite expensive - especially here where you just can't get hold of diet foods unless you spend a fortune - still it will be worth it in the end.

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